Scott Fairlamb is a former MMA fighter who owned a small business, Fairlamb fit gym in Pompton Lakes, New Jersey. He currently suffers from a cardiac condition and cancer. He was arrested on his doorstep on January 22nd, 2021, which traumatized his family, including his beloved wife, Andrea. He has been in jail since his arrest and his health conditions have been ignored in pleas for leniency. He raised money for his own defense and teared up in court repeatedly when going over the details of his arrest and case. Fairlamb’s pretrial detention has been harsh in comparison with other D.C. prisoners arrested for murder, battery, assault, burglary, domestic battery. He is permitted a chemo pill in prison but has never spoken in-person to his assigned doctor. He has been approved for halfway house placement but for some unknown reason, his transfer to a safer, healthier halfway house has not yet occurred. His letter details his frequent, stressful transfers from prison to prison, his unfair treatment at the hands of wardens and is as follows:
“Happy Holidays from Butner, North Carolina. I hope this update finds everyone healthy and filled with Holiday spirit.
Well, I was finally loaded up and shipped out of Correctional Training Facility “CTF” in Washington D.C. on 1-31-22 after being sentenced on 11-10-21, to the Federal Prison in Philadelphia. Here I stayed in the SHU until 2-9-22. On 2-9, I was loaded up again and shipped south to my current location, the Federal Correctional Institution Medium, “The Deuce,” at Butner, North Carolina. Once here I was placed again in the “Special Housing Unit” SHU from 2-9 through 2-25. I finally made it to the yard on the 25th of February 2022 and have been busy ever since.
In my 10 months I have managed to complete 16 different programs, one being my GED. All of these completed with the understanding that my efforts would shorten my release date. This is where the lies and deception that is the Bureau of Prison begins. Upon my six-month review in mid-August, it was brought to my attention for the first time by my case manager that there were two surveys on my unit’s computer that needed to be completed in order to receive the First Step Act credits I had been working so hard on. Immediately after that review on 8-18 I went and completed both surveys. Soon, weeks passed with no reduction and no answers as to why I wasn’t receiving my time credits. It was until I followed the prisons administrative remedy process that I found their answer. I was told by my case manager, her higher-up, as well as the Warden herself that I would not see any time reduction because I was in “refusal status” when I completed the programs. However, my case manager would request for me additional halfway house time knowing full well how badly I had been screwed over. While grateful for his request I could not understand how I could possibly refuse anything that 1) I was never made aware of and 2) had not signed any letter refusing said surveys. One does not need but common sense to realize that someone who has programmed as aggressively as I have, would not done so knowing that two surveys, totaling five minutes of my time, would erase months and months of my hard work.
Nonetheless, my case manager went ahead and made the request for 12 months of halfway house time. After receiving the necessary approval signatures from the unit manager, records, CMC, the assistant warden, and Warden Kelly herself on 10-22…BOOM! I had 12 months of time in the halfway house! My departure date went from 11-20-23 to 11-20-22!! I’d be leaving here on Mom’s Birthday!! Home for Thanksgiving!! Right!?!? Not so fast…….
The next couple of weeks felt like time stood still. I found out on 11-17 that my paperwork needed to be cleared by the Central Bureau of Prisons in…. you guessed it, Washington D.C. Well, I bet you can guess how that went….DENIED !
Let’s rewind for a second… I was sent here to Butner, North Carolina as a “Care Level 3” inmate because it is “the leading medical prison facility on the east coast.” I guess the Bureau of Prisons (“BOP”) felt it necessary for me to be sent here to continue taking my daily chemo pill I had been prescribed over a decade ago. This medication is referred to as self-carry and I keep it in my cell, taking one daily. Now in my 10 months here I have yet to meet my “Doctor.” I have spoken to him 3 times though, all via speakerphone. Care Level 3 LOL.
So just like that, I’m “denied”. But wait it gets better….
I was already medically cleared back in May during my halfway house medical assessment done here by the healthcare provider. Not only was I cleared by the medical professionals here at Butner, I was cleared by the Regional BOP in Maryland!! Stay with me…. haha… My paperwork was then sent to my halfway house, The Kintock Group, in Newark, New Jersey. The wonderful folks at Kintock then send me the following:
“To: Fairlamb, Scott Kevin
From: The Kintock Group
Date: 11-8-22
This letter is to inform you that the above named resident has been accepted into the Kintock Group’s Federal Residential Reentry Center. Inside this packet you will find a handbook, please review handbook before arriving to the facility.
Marquis Johnson
Senior Case Manager”
So here I sit, only told that I was denied because I am a Care Level 3. Care Level 3 inmates leave here for their half-way house everyday. I have spoken with many other inmates, who take similar if not the exact same medication, who have been cleared for their half-way house.
I am being punished for having cancer. Plain and simple. When they say “No, No” that’s not the case, please ask them if I would have been approved had I not had cancer.
My Wife Andrea and I need your support now more than ever. We continue to weather this storm and will never give up our fight to get home. We are down, but NEVER out. Help us defend against this great injustice and put an end to this cruel and unusual punishment.
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year,
Scott Fairlamb-Political Prisoner 26840-509
…but we also rejoice in sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance, character, and character, hope. and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us. Romans 5-3 “”
Transcribed By Sara Sass